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    apple employee reviews

    An Apple an Employee Keeps Monday Blues at Work Away

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    Hey, boss? This one’s for you. I’m not here to write just another one of our Apple reviews. As an employee, I know that you value my work and your occasional words of appreciation keep me going; they truly do. But today, I have another case to bring to your attention.

    Did you know that a Mac on-the-house could make me stay in-house and perform even better?

    I’m not the one saying this. I mean, sure, I would love to enjoy the benefits of an Apple device at work. It would be amazing to have a MacBook beside me at work or when I’m working from home. But my proposition is based on facts. A recent survey says employee choice programs are big motivating factors for joining a workplace and sticking around longer. The option to choose their own work devices is one of the deal-breakers for 99% of the Indian employees. And Apple (of course!) is the front runner when it comes to their preferred device. Similarly, if you get me a MacBook Pro this fall, I am more likely to work on my tasks with renewed passion.

    But if that’s not good enough to persuade you, hear this out: 65% of the survey sample of only-Apple professionals has used a non-Apple machine at some point of their career, and they concur that the experience is streets ahead with Apple. 

    And there’s more. My case gets stronger here: 87% of the respondents ticked on higher productivity, 87% on self-sufficiency, and 86% on the increase in creativity. I understand this is because macOS is far superior to any non-Apple device, managing issues doesn’t cost an arm and leg (in terms of time), and one doesn’t have to bother about data security at all.

    You know this is true. You’ve been a long-term Apple-ier yourself, and if asked, you would have gleefully participated in this study and shared your own reviews. So why not pass some of these benefits on to your employees? What say, boss?

    (Readers, feel free to send this open letter to your own bosses and see what they say. Do let me know if you succeed. Or if it goes very very wrong.)

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