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    Ouch! That’s a Cruel (Yet Funny) iPhone 7 Prank

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    As long as you have iPhones, you have iPhone scams. And as long as you have iPhone scams, you have a beeline of desperate nuts offering to get scammed. But this one really beats them all, hands down.

    Amidst the hullabaloo and hype of iPhone 7’s release, a hilarious prank surrounding this device has been doing the rounds on social media. Well, hilarious for us and unfortunate for the victim, who not only had her dreams of buying a new iPhone 7  dashed, but also got made a fool of in the process.

    Mimi Jiang, a native Chinese lady, came across this unbelievable offer on Facebook, which promised that the iPhone 7 Rose Gold for only $500. The low price should have sent alarm bells ringing in Jiang’s brain, but the temptation of holding a phone that was hard to come by in China won over. She contacted the seller and, without checking his authenticity, made the purchase.

    When she got the phone, her joy evaporated pretty quickly when she realised that she’d been duped big time. In place of the iPhone 7, she’d received one iPhone 3 and one iPhone 4! Gettit? iPhone 3 + iPhone 4 equals iPhone 7. 😐

    If that wasn’t  funny enough, the scam artist added a nice touch by including a Yu-Gi-Oh card named “Polymerization”, which was supposed to magically fuse the two iPhones and transform into one. 

    How Jiang handled this double whammy of a heartbreak, first losing her money and then getting stuck with two useless phones, is anybody’s guess. But, there’s a lesson to be learned here for all of us. Don’t get carried away by suspicious looking schemes and always buy from verified sellers online. Hopefully, once the pain of this fraud blows over, Jiang will swear off online shopping for a while and find a smidgen of humor in the entire ordeal.


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