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    This Cool Trick Makes iOS Folders Round!

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    Apple is not very big on customization. They’re a bit of a control freak, and they rule the ecosystem with an iron fist. From colors to iconography to fonts, everything has to be approved by Apple. That’s why it is so much harder to make an app for iOS than for the Play Store.

    For those who don’t like the stock iOS display options, the usual way out is to jailbreak the phone. While that gives you the chance to customize your iPhone’s look, it also voids your warranty and doesn’t let you upgrade your OS. That’s not a price most people are willing to pay just to change the look.

    But the world is full of creative people. So somebody (with a lot of time on his hand) found a way to make the App Folders on your homescreen round without jailbreaking your iPhone!! And the process is as simple as changing the background!

    Here’s what you gotta do:

    Go to this website and download one of the 3×3 backgrounds from there.

    Note: 3×3 means the image is 3 pixel by 3 pixel. That’s an incredibly tiny pic. The trick will work with any 3×3 pic and not necessarily the ones downloaded from here, so if you have one lying around, go ahead and use it.

    Or if you want to resize one of your images to 3×3, that’s fine too.

    1. Now go to Settings > Wallpaper > Choose a New Wallpaper > Camera Roll and then select the image you just downloaded.
    2. That’s it. You’re done.

    Now, if you go back to your home screen, your app folders should be round.

    Wait, how does changing the background affect my app folder?

    Honestly, even we don’t know.

    Our guess is that the OS gets confused because of the extremely low resolution of the background image, which creates display issues. Simply put, it’s a glitch, but one that’s extremely useful to us, even if it does affect only the app folders.

    So, the next time someone looks at your iPhone and his eyes pop out at the unusually shaped folder icon on your screen, just give him a superior smile and let him guess where or how you were able to work that magic.

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