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    Shower With Your iPhone 7 If You Are Super Cool

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    Amit Srivatsa
    Amit Srivatsa Nov 12, 2016

    The best ideas come when you’re in the shower. It’s weird, but true. Standing under that hot stream of water, soaking in the the warmth, bathing in the steam, it’s a surreal experience, and that’s why it’s special. 

    And just as suddenly as great ideas appear, they are gone. The moment you step out of the shower, puff! They’ve vanished without trace! You have to struggle to really hold on to that Golden Ticket idea.

    In a situation like this, the blow to writers like us cannot be aptly described in words. To see precious ideas washed away by water – aah, the pain was just too excruciating! If only we could bring a notepad/pen/paper/etc into the bathroom. How else could we hold on to pearls of inspiration?

    With Apple’s introduction of a waterproof water-resistant line of iPhones, we may have found a way to tenaciously hold on to our next game changing brainwaves. 

    We can finally take our best companion — our iPhones — into the shower with us! And it’s far less creepy than it sounds!

    The new technology now allows you to play your favorite song on the iPhone while you’re in the shower. And you can, without hesitation, reach out for it, grip it with your drenched, dripping hands, and change the song!

    Or, perhaps, open up the Notes app, and quickly jot down the shopping list you’ve been mentally creating for the past twenty minutes. You could also, if you so wish, open up Zomato and order food!

    And yes, of course, you can answer an incoming call! But we suggest you turn off the shower before that, because the iPhone 7 is not completely waterproof!

    The iPhone still runs the risk of being ruined by the water. That’s why the warranty on the phone doesn’t cover “damages by water.” So, even though the phone is water resistant to a great extent, we wouldn’t suggest you expose it to anything more than “gentle splashes”.

    Either way, it’s a good thing that Apple has given us a water-resistant phone. After all, who doesn’t like company in the shower!? At least now you don’t have to do this:

    In the end, let me remind you again – your iPhone 7 is water-resistant for 30 minutes, not waterproof till eternity. So, those who want to shower with their iPhone 7 and feel super cool, you may go ahead and try it at your own risk.  Don’t blame me if you end up with a beautiful black brick.

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