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    YouTube Dark is on its Way to our iPhone Screens

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    Amit Srivatsa
    Amit Srivatsa Mar 18, 2018

    YouTube just rolled out its iconic dark mode for the iOS platform. The dark mode option was a much-anticipated feature, and the wait was all worth it with the end product being near perfection.

    Android users still have to wait for their turn, as this feature was released solely in the App Store for iPad and iPhone users. The first to grab hold of this feature, however, was the desktop variant.

    Most people have had a positive feedback on YouTube’s latest addition, primarily because of how good it looks late at night. This was also one of the key reasons behind the inception of this feature, as the usual white layout made visibility difficult and straining for the eyes. In order to turn this feature on in your Apple device, go to the ‘settings’ tab where you will see a toggle option to switch the dark mode on and off.

    Dark Mode

    It all started when the dark mode feature on the desktop became widely popular among the masses. It was one of the most requested features by YouTube users across the globe. The feature was particularly most requested by iPhone and iPad users as it made late-night binge watching more enjoyable and soothing for the eyes. Although the feature inverts the colour combination, it hardly impacts the battery life of the device.

    Some of the other new features in the update include a faster, more powerful and more useful Creator Studio, new card types and an improved comments section. The update also saw a great improvement in the live-streaming of videos and the platform now ‘officially’ supports 360-degree videos.

    New Interface

    The new interface sports a new look following the Google material design with less red and more white spaces creating more space for thumbnails to be viewed. A future update of the same is slated to support vertical playback of videos in a semi-screen mode, without any black screen on the sides. All in all, the incorporation of YouTube Dark into iOS devices has opened the gates for better viewing and engagement for users all over the globe.

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